Rabu, 11 Desember 2013

Satu Hati,,,, ;-)

Menutup mata sejenak
Mengingat dalam bayang mengenang
Entah dari mana asalnya
Entah kapan menetapnya

Aurora telah menari dalam benak
Mencerminkan letupan asa di lubuk hati
Melukiskan sesimpul senyuman halus
Yang semakin merekah meronakan wajah

Dia hadir begitu saja. . .
Dingin,namun menyejukkan
Bahkan bertanya “apakah ini cinta?”
Aku tertegun dan menerawang
Menatap sekian banyak kenangan dan kejadian
Antara aku dan dia

Hati ini berbisik dalam hening
“kini hati tak berjalan sendiri. . .”
Aku terdiam,,,”Apakah hatinya bersedia bergandengan dengan hatiku?”
Hening , , , tak ada jawaban

Ibarat dongeng tarian angsa
Sang angsa jantan bertemu ke danau cinta
Menemui sang angsa betina yang menunduk dalam penantian
Seakan mengajak sang angsa betina melaju bersamanya
Mengepakkan sayap indahnya,melaju dengan keanggunannya

Kini danau cinta terpana
Dengan tarian pasangan angsa
Damai. . .karena ada satu hati yang telah menemani
Dan penantianpun disudahi

Kamis, 21 November 2013

15 Spectacular Trick For Your Body !!! ^_^

Very interesting Please share first and read completely.......


1.) If you've got an itch in your throat, scratch your ear. When the
nerves in the ear get stimulated, they create a reflex in the throat
that causes a muscle spasm, which cures the itch.

2.) Having trouble hearing someone at a party or on the phone?
Use your right ear it's better at picking up rapid speech. But, the left is better at picking up music tones.

3.) If you need to relieve yourself BADLY, but you're not anywhere
near a bathroom, fantasize about RELATIONS. That preoccupies your brain and distracts it.

4.) Next time the doctor's going to give you an injection, COUGH as
the needle is going in. The cough raises the level of pressure in your
spinal canal, which limits the pain sensation as it tries to travel to
your brain.

5.) Clear a stuffed nose or relieve sinus pressure by pushing your
tongue against the roof of your mouth then pressing a finger between
your eyebrows. Repeat that for 20 seconds it causes the vomer bone
to rock, which loosens your congestion and clears you up.

6.) If you ate a big meal and you're feeling full as you go to sleep,
lay on your left side. That'll keep you from suffering from acid reflux it keeps your stomach lower than your esophagus, which will helps
keep stomach acid from sliding up your throat.

7.) You can stop a toothache by rubbing ice on the back of your
hand, on the webbed area between your thumb and index finger.
The nerve pathways there stimulate a part of the brain that blocks
pain signals from your mouth.

8.) If you get all messed up on liquor, and the room starts spinning, put your hand on something stable. The reason: Alcohol dilutes the blood in the part of your ear called the cupula, which regulates balance. Putting your hand on something stable gives your brain another reference point, which will help make the world stop spinning.

9.) Stop a nose bleed by putting some cotton on your upper gums right behind the small dent below your nose and press against it hard. Most of the bleeding comes from the cartilage wall that divides the nose, so pressing there helps get it to stop.

10.) Nervous? Slow your heart rate down by blowing on your thumb. The vagus nerve controls your heart rate, and you can calm it down by breathing.

11.) Need to breathe underwater for a while? Instead of taking a huge breath, HYPERVENTILATE before you go under, by taking a bunch of short breaths. That'll trick your brain into thinking it has more oxygen, and buy you about 10 extra seconds.

12.) You can prevent BRAIN FREEZE by pressing your tongue flat against the roof of your mouth, covering as much surface area as possible. Brain freeze happens because the nerves in the roof of your mouth get extremely cold, so your brain thinks your whole body is cold. It compensates by overheating which causes your head to hurt. By warming up the roof of your mouth, you'll chill your brain and feel better.

13.) If your hand falls asleep, rock your head from side to side. That'll wake your hand or arm up in less than a minute. Your hand falls asleep because of the nerves in your neck compressing so loosening your neck is the cure. If your foot falls asleep, that's governed by nerves lower in the body, so you need to stand up and walk around.

14.) Finally, this one's totally USELESS, but a nice trick. Have someone stick their arm out to the side, straight, palm down. Press down on his wrist with two fingers. He'll resist, and his arm will stay horizontal. Then, have him put his foot on a surface that's half an inch off the ground, like a stack of magazines, and do the trick again. Because his spine position is thrown off, his arm will fall right to his side, no matter how much he tries to resist.

15.) Got the hiccups? Press thumb and second finger over your
eyebrows until the hiccups are over - usually, in a short while.

Senin, 07 Oktober 2013

Aku tidak hobi menulis
Aku hanya suka menulis
Menulis membuatku
Seakan berada di dunia yang lain
Yang hanya ada aku di dalamnya

Aku bebas melakukan apa pun yang aku mau
Aku bisa terbang setinggi mungkin
Mengepakkan sayapku seperti elang
Dan merasakan sejuknya udara di awan

Aku bebas mengarungi samudera
Sejauh apa pun itu
Bahkan jika mau mengubah dunia menjadi persegi
Tak kan ada yang melarang

Aku tak perlu memikirkan penatnya hidup
Dan segala macam bumbu pahit yang ada di dalamnya
Di sini aku bisa tersenyum
Menatap dunia dengan tatapan yang baru
Atau terkadang menangis
Bersama alam dan teman-teman penaku

Di sinilah aku di duniaku sendiri
Mengalir seperti air
Di atas kertas-kertas ajaibku
Yang bisa mengubahku menjadi apa pun yang aku inginkan

Menulis bukan hobiku
Aku hanya mencintainya

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

...and The star is Me!

Tak ada pribadi biasa-biasa saja dalam jagad raya ini, yang ada adalah pribadi yang GAGAL menjadikan dirinya LUAR BIASA.

Mengapa ada orang yang sukses dan ada yang gagal? Mengapa ada yang bisa menggapai puncak prestasi, da nada yang bertahan dalam taraf ‘biasa-biasa’ saja? Mengapa ada yang mampu melangkah dengan percaya diri, namun ada pula yang tunduk dalam kerendahdirian?

Jangan salahkan Bunda yang mengandung. Jangan salahkan nasib yang tidak berpihak kepada kita. Jangan salahkan shio, zodiac, ataupun weton. Dan jangan juga pernah menyalahkan Sang Pencipta.

Karena sejatinya… Ada bintang dalam diri Anda, ia tersembunyi. Ia harus dicari. Diasah cerlangnya, dilejitkan cahayanya. Sehingga puncak kesuksesan, bukan lagi sekedar impian. Semua orang layak dan berhak menjadi bintang. Allah telah menyetting Anda sebagai pribadi yang lua biasa dengan berbagai keunikan yang anda miliki. Bagaimana menjadikan keunikan itu sebagai NILAI LEBIH ANDA, inilah tugas Anda!
Namun, yang PERTAMA KALI, Anda harus menyadari, ada seekor macan yang sedang tertidur di dalam diri Anda. Ia harus dibangunkan, sehingga ia sanggup mengaum, dengan auman yang menggetarkan seluruh belantara. Sehingga ia sanggup berlari, mengejar mangsa, merontokkan nyali… dan oleh karenanya, ia menjadi raja.
Setiap pribadi itu sebenarnya LUAR BIASA. Karena sukses itu memang hak Anda!